Current Location: Rocky Point, Oregon Sunny and warm at 79 F
Ah yes, every RV’rs worst nightmare. Believe it or not, it wasn’t nearly as terrible as you might expect.
Finally, after a couple of months of working on projects, preparing and recuperating from surgery, and enjoying our little Mattie, Mo and I headed for the beach. We wanted to go to Harris Beach State Park for several reasons. We love it there. Judy is volunteering there this summer. It is only a 2 hour drive from the Grants Pass cottage.
As soon as I knew when Judy was going to be working, I made a reservation. That was two months ago, and it is a good thing I did. Seems as though Harris Beach is fairly popular in the summertime. I realized as I looked back that we haven’t actually visited very often during the summer months. Both of us know that the coast is often just the opposite of inland when it comes to temperatures, and summer fogs are common. I warned Judy about that. When people refer to Brookings as the “Banana Belt” of the Oregon Coast, they are usually talking about those gorgeous sunny days in December that can sometimes reach the 80’s while the rest of Oregon is cold and rainy.
Summertime, however, is a different story. Hot inland, cold at the coast. Chilly inland, warmer at the coast. Oregon was in the midst of some record breaking heat last week, so we expected it to be cooler in Brookings.
The day we drove west, however, last Monday June 8, was hot and gorgeous just about everywhere. We left early enough to arrive around 1, even though check in time is technically 2pm.
The winding drive from Cave Junction to Hiochi along Scenic Highway 199 next to the Smith River is impressive. Lots of curves, drop offs, gorgeous views of turquoise pools far below the cliffs adjacent to the highway. The very narrow highway.
BOOM!! on a curve, with a vertical cliff upward on the passenger side, and another vertical cliff down to the river on the driver’s side, that boom wasn’t something we were expecting. It was LOUD. and SCARY. Adrenalin pumping, Mo had no trouble keeping the rig going forward and we realized that the blowout must have been an inside dual. We slowed way down and crawled to the closest turnout, which happened to be on the other side of the road going the opposite direction.
No cell service. Not a hint. Nada. Sure does make us appreciate that we have a toad! Mo unhooked (this surgery recuperation thing is a true pain, I can’t lift the hitch for another couple of months) and I drove off west to find a spot with a signal.
Calling AAA wasn’t a problem until the dispatcher (someone somewhere in a far off state with a very difficult accent) said that AAA can’t change an inside dual, and that we would have to be towed. Where did we want to go. I told her several times I didn’t have cell service, but it didn’t click and she kept saying she would call me to keep us updated. Nope.
Instead I drove back a few miles to Mo and the waiting rig where we were conveniently parked in the shade in one of the prettiest spots on the entire route. Many times as we have passed this turnout we have wanted to stop, but usually it is full so we haven’t done it. Shade, a view, no cell service, but who cares. It is a gorgeous afternoon and we have a reservation so we can be as late as we need to be. Whew.
Within an hour a van pulled up, with a guy who said AAA sent him out to find us since they couldn’t reach us by phone. He couldn’t change the tire, but he also said that we could obviously not be towed because we had a flat tire!. He said that Les Schwab in Crescent City could do the change if we were willing to pay for the repair and then get reimbursed by AAA. Sure. Another hour went by and the Les Schwab truck showed up, but the guy didn’t realize that our hubs had covers on them and spent a very long time trying to find a lug wrench that would fit over the caps before we realized what he was doing and told him he needed to remove the covers to get to the lugs.
After a lot of work, he did manage to get the tire changed, but rather than straighten out the bent mud flap before putting the tires back on, he thought he would just pull the flap down. Another half an hour went by before he decided he needed to take the tires back off, work at getting the flap untangled, and put the tires back on. While we were waiting, I enjoyed every little moment of fluttering maple leaves against the brilliant blue skies. It was an incredibly beautiful day to be sitting outside. By 3:30 we were once again on our way west.
We at first couldn’t figure out why that tire had failed, and had failed so badly. This set of tires was a full set of six that Mo got as part of a recall by Michelin in late 2013 just before we went on our three month trip to Florida. What both of us had forgotten, however, is that back in Florida we had a flat, and the spare was installed in the inside dual position.
We didn’t find out till the next day in Brookings, when Mo bought a new Michelin tire, that that spare was one of the original tires from the MoHo with a date of 2005. UhOh. I guess a tire might fail if it is ten years old.
We managed to get to Brookings by 5, a little bit worn out, and I walked up to Judy’s spot to let her know we had made it to camp. The next few days were great, with beach time and Judy time and some new places to explore in Brookings that we had never seen.
But more of that in the next post…
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