With Sue busy finishing her work in California, I (Mo) decided to travel to Eastern Oregon and Idaho to visit old time friends from my pre-college days living in Columbia City, Oregon. Abby is a great travel companion, and at 6am we left home and headed east via HWY 140 to 395N at Lakeview. Lake Abert is a saline lake on the west side of the highway and it was surprisingly full for this time of year. I found a side road off 395 that took off toward Christmas Valley to the west near milepost 36, and thought that it might be an interesting way to go back home on my return trip. Although the weather was pleasant when I left home, by the time I was east of Drinkwater Pass on highway 20 things started to heat up. It was 102 degrees when I reached Fruitdale, ID in the afternoon.
As I mentioned previously, Abby is a great travel companion, but her ability to follow the maps and read directions while I drive isn't all that great. Usually when Sue and I are together, one of us can navigate while the other one drives. This time, going through Ontario, I got lost since I was having trouble reading the directions that I received from my friends while driving the motorhome. When I left home, gas was 2.65 and I filled up in Fruitdale at 2.76 per gallon. Certainly not anywhere as bad as things were a year ago for gas prices.

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