Fall Sunset from the Deck

Fall Sunset from the Deck
Fall Sunset from the Deck

Monday, December 2, 2013

Raining in Brookings Oregon

surf at Harris Beach on a cloudy grayish dayOf course it is, it is doing something dramatic just about everywhere in the country right now and the southern Oregon coast is no exception, in spite of that “Banana Belt” description for our current location.  The National Weather Service is actually predicting the possibility of scattered snow showers down to sea level, and temperatures well below freezing tonight and tomorrow night “on the beaches”.  Whew!  Makes me happy for tank heaters and a nice little electric heater to keep things cozy inside.

After a couple of months hanging around home and Grants Pass, the second home, we decided to come to our third home, Harris Beach State Park.  We needed a change of scenery.  I suppose Mo needed a change of scenery, especially that daily view of fabric and sewing machine on the dining table.

home in site 23 at Harris BeachI am comfortably settled into the super comfy, super convenient new dinette with a view out the windows, watching the surf breaking over the black shadows of marine rock sea stacks below us on the beach.  It has rained all night, but the thick spruce above us makes the rain fall in spurts and fits as it sifts through the trees to the roof, random and not at the steady rhythm of raindrops in more open areas.

We have been entertaining ourselves with radio, tv, reading, computing, and for me, some knitting.  Resting, napping, and a few damp walks here and there have rounded out the schedule, or non schedule you might say.  Mo took Abby for a walk this morning but so far I am still in jammies…oops…it is no longer morning! 

Abby's favorite things, the beach and a ballWe arrived early on Saturday, a bit before the official 2pm check in time, and even a bit before the 1pm check out time.  As expected, the front row was full, the view row, all with cable hookups.  When we came over, we didn’t expect to get front row, but we were hoping for cable so Mo could at least watch her 49’rs game on Sunday.  Mo stopped at the dump to do a little pre-dump before we settled in and I drove the park looking for a spot.  Sure enough, a nice guy was hooking up his fiver in the front row and I asked if he was leaving

Yup, he was, and he said that by the time we got back with the MoHo three more folks had asked about the spot.  Lucky us!  A23 is probably our favorite site in this park, with ocean views, a bit of tree cover for protection, nice shrubs around to block public view of our table and firepit, and of course cable, water, and electric.  No sewer, but we can handle that for the four nights we plan to stay here.

a bird in the bushThat first day was gorgeous, and Mo unloaded the firewood for our planned campfire, but instead of cooking outdoors we wandered off to Harbor to the Chetco Café for our traditional fish and chips supper.  Love that place, so much that we didn’t even mind waiting another day to polish off the Thanksgiving leftovers.

Thanksgiving was as delightful as expected, with family gathered at Melody’s house to partake of the fabulous cooking of both daughters and a couple of Melody’s friends as well.  It was a good day and it was nice to go back home with a pack of leftover containers and no mess to clean up.

Thanksgiving_024Things around Melody’s house are up for some changes with Kevin heading south to Mountain View for his Google job this week and Melody in full Christmas mode at the jewelry store in the midst of rehearsals for her play.  Seems as though grandson Xavier is also trying out for “Grease” so things should just be hopping around there in the next couple of months.

Mo and I drove to Grants Pass and visited with Deb at the cottage overnight before pulling the MoHo out to enjoy the biggest reason for the Grants Pass property…just two hours to the beach.  The drive was beautiful and the change of scenery was divine.  Yes, we knew rain was coming, but that didn’t matter in the least.  Love coming to the ocean any time of year.

Abby play time at Harris BeachOn Sunday, even though it was cloudy, the rain held off long enough for us to get some good beach walking time and ball time with Abby.  Balls and beaches are her favorite thing, but it was a bit bittersweet as she seemed to be somewhat less energetic than before.  She loves it so much, but the years are catching up and she tires more easily.  Hard to watch our animals age.  I suppose it is hard for our kids to watch us age.  Better than the alternative, at least we are all still here.

On a last note….I have changed some plans for our three month travels.  Jeremy will be coming along after all.  My heart just can’t deal with abandoning my sweet cat after 17 years of loyalty, even if it is at my daughter’s home.  He is so needy and attached to us, and to Abby, and to our life together.  We decided we will just deal with whatever his age requires for the trip.  Jeremy is heading for Florida!  I know one person down there who will probably enjoy meeting him.  Karen and Al are serious cat people who have been through the “old cat thing”, and I hope that I can introduce them to Jeremy.

final days_006

Later:  The rain stopped, and cold notwithstanding, Mo got a great fire going tonight.

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