Summer kayaking on Recreation Creek

Summer kayaking on Recreation Creek
Summer kayaking on Recreation Creek

Saturday, June 2, 2012

June 1 Back on the water at Rocky Point

It takes about 5 minutes to get down to the boat launch from home.  On a warm, sunny, gorgeous day, we looked at each other and said, “Gardening? Housework? Time to get the boats on the lake!”  And that is exactly what we did.Harriman Butte from Pelican Bay with wocus

Who has time to write anything when waters like this are waiting just around the corner?out into Pelican Bay from the Harriman Springs run

I will write something soon, of course.  Don’t want to forget what we have been doing lately! Till then…..

reflections of Harriman Mountain from Pelican Bay


  1. much better to be out enjoying life than spending it in front of the computer!!!..looks picture perfect!!!

  2. We are really looking forward to our day with you!

  3. I don't blame you one bit!!! It is hard to blog all the time and have a day full of fun!!!
    Enjoy the day

  4. Just fantastic; we did our first kayak outing over Memorial weekend ... work, unfortunately, has kept me from the blog this past week; but like you, I want to write about it for future remembrance. Maybe later this week.

  5. I love this blog. Short, Sweet, and such relaxing pictures.

  6. Perfect! Nothing is better than paddling a beautiful lake!

  7. Sure is nice to see you out on that water, again. Now the snows about all gone, and the greenhouse is all set, and the deer are at bay, and it's time to enjoy the sunshine!!

  8. Isn't' there something about pictures being worth a thousand words? What a wonderful day...


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