Transcribed from the old leather journal on June 14, 2018
Mo and I left Klamath Falls on a beautiful sunny morning after Mo went to her new doctor in Klamath Falls. She likes the doctor. Mo drove first, mileage was 17,725 via Highway 97 to Madras where we bought gas at $2.40 per gallon and calculated 11.6 mpg. Great mileage!
We stopped for an ice cream cone in Shaniko and by the time we got to Biggs it was a little after five and was raining lightly. Mo spent $22.for the full hookup site at Maryhill State Park and we settled in and then went for a walk along the river.
Quiet evening cooking dinner of rice and polish sausages, cole slaw, and boxed Chardonnay while we played cards. Sleeping in the rain till after 8AM the next morning. We spent a lazy morning, had a good breakfast of polish sausages, eggs, and potatoes, took a walk around the campground, visiting with MoHo admirers and then drove up to the Maryhill museum.
It was a great museum with lots of art, gardens and peacocks, even a white one.
We drove on to Wenatchee via Highway 97, with a hot dog lunch at the rest area north of Yakima. Pulled into Wenatchee at 4:15 or so. Gas in Quincy was $2.45 PG and we got 12.6 MPG!
Deanna and Keith met us at their old house and we dug plants, then we went to see the new spec house. The downtown building “legacy Square”, and then visited over Mexican dinner at Casa Mia’s, their treat. Home to sleep out in the apartment parking lot.
The alarm went off at 5 and we left at 5:35 AM to Albany via Highway 97 over Blewitt Pass. I-90 to 18 and Augurn where we got gas and ate a McDonald’s breakfast, then down I-5 through Portland to Melody’s theater.
We parked in the back lot to change and eat and visit with Deb and her friend Shannon. Deb is doing a little bit better after her recent surgery.
We had great fun at the play “Rocky Horror” with Melody as Columbia. Afterward home to Melody’s house for more visiting and a chicken dinner cooked by Kevin.
Gas in Albany was $2.39 PG and we were getting 10 mpg. We left at 8am via i-5, Highway 58, and Highway 97. We had lunch at Mollie’s Cafe and were home to my house by 2PM in the afternoon.
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