Fall Sunset from the Deck
Fall Sunset from the Deck
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Our Trip to Malta
I realized as I worked on this project that my travel blog really IS for me and moana more than anyone else. I have always been a journal person so blogging has been a natural evolution for me. Soon the stories will accompany the photo links.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Friday, December 16, 2005
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Exploring Valetta

We did a tour through the Grand Master Palace of the Knights of St John, another very ornate and heavy building, done in the Victorian and Rococco style so popular here in the late 19th century. The "armory" was just that, a large room filled with displays of heavy armor. Somehow when I go to the "armory" in Medford for an antique sale or something I don't think of something like this, but I will now.

The troupe dispersed and Mo and I wandered off to the Caffe Cordine for Irish coffee and cappuccino and I had my first really good pea pastizzo, a

The part of the day I enjoyed most was a Museum of Archaeology. The real “Sleeping Lady” resides here. She is a small sculpture found in the Hypogeum from Malta’s prehistory, but she is stored here in this museum for preservation. She is quite small, just a few inches, and is held in a heavy bullet proof glass case with dramatic lighting. I have included here a link to the Wiki post for the Hypogeum and Hal Saflieni, the resting place of the Sleeping Goddess for more detailed information on this magical spot, a World Heritage Site, one of several in Malta.

I have always loved this sculpture and have a replica I kept beside my bed for years. I called her my “dreaming goddess”, and when I knew I was going to Malta, it was with a deep inner delight that I knew I was going to see the place where she was originally found.
It was another blustery day, but the clouds parted enough to give us a beautiful sunset from the upper Barraca Gardens while waiting for the Christmas lights to come on in Valetta. We wandered the narrow streets of Valetta, watching all the Christmas shopping, and enjoying the lights. After dark, we took the bus home to try for a dinner at LaVigne once more. This time it was open, but the owner was very quiet and slow and the meal wasn’t the least bit memorable. Some others of our group were there as well. Most people in our group tour seem to be quite interesting,

Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Sliema and St Julian in the rain

At noon, we decided to brave the weather and go walking anyway and suited up in our coats and umbrellas for a walk toward the Grand Harbour and then back along the sea to St Julian. It was lovely in spite of the rain and maybe because of the rain since we had most of the streets to ourselves. The wild weather made for some huge waves along the sea wall that were fun to watch if you didn’t get too close.
One of the most delightful things about the towns of Malta are the limestone houses with their brightly colored doors and the traditional wooden Maltese balconies. The balconies are everywhere, at the front of every residence, and sometimes it’s a rather sobering thought to consider how many people are stacked and tucked into such a small space. According to the statistics, there are more than 1000 people per square kilometer on this island. The balconies are usually decorated nicely with Mediterranean plants and statuary, often religious.
The limestone is quarried on the island, and is the natural building material of choice since there is very little wood here. The only forest is a planted remnant that is held as a national treasure. As we flew in to Malta, the huge limestone quarries were visible from the air, with the multi-story buildings made from the same stone looking like a miniature bas relief inversion of the empty quarries. Most of the stone is a lovely pale golden color, but there are several shades reflected in the buildings. The island is really quite barren, and in the rural parts the stone is a big part of the landscape with natural rock outcrops, dry stone walls, and windswept cliffs along the sea. Malta is really just a big 9 mile by 17 mile rock of limestone with a civilization scratched into the golden surface. Here is a great website that has some good photos of these amazing quarries. http://www.maltavista.net/en/list/photo/2053.html

After dinner we walked again down to the Promenade, but decided that a walk home through the city would be more fun than once more walking along the sea wall. We walked for some miles through narrow streets, seeing lovely churches, and thinking we were passing the same way we had come until we discovered that this church looked exactly like that church, and where exactly were we anyway??! Somehow we managed to wander to the opposite side of the peninsula and ended up at the Msida Yacht Club on the Strand. With all the streets at angles and all the buildings so tall and close it’s really hard to get a sense of where you are, especially in Sliema and St Julian, and while I usually have a fairly good sense of direction, the angles really threw me. Next time I’ll bring the GPS! All the wild wind and rain made the walk even more exciting and the wet streets reflected the city lights in ways that would never have been so brilliant on a less blustery night.
Back to our hotel, very wet, very happy, and very tired, we climbed the 4 flights of stairs for the last time for the day. So far we have managed to climb these stairs to the 4th floor at least twice a day; trying to be sure we get plenty of exercise, but maybe wandering around all day in the rain counts as well. Thank goodness for a good umbrella!
Monday, December 12, 2005
Northern Malta, Mosta, and Naxxar

The day was truly beautiful, sunny and clear, not too warm. The big tour bus is such a cliché, but it still is a good way to see a lot of a country in the first days of unfamiliarity. We traveled to the northern part of the island, driving north through St Julian and other coastal towns to go to the Sanctuary of Our Lady at St Paul's beach in Mellieha. The sanctuary has been a holy place long before Paul and Luke were there, a place where the local people worshipped their goddesses before Paul christianized Malta. St Paul healed a Roman official when he first arrived to preach Christianity on the

Back to the bus to continue through the countryside to Mosta, where we visited the cathedral hit by a bomb during WWII. Miraculously, the bomb landed in the center of the sanctuary during a mass but didn’t explode. The church was newer than most and very ornate. There is a museum in the church where the unexploded bomb is displayed. I would imagine it’s been deactivated somehow, but it looked fairly ominous.

The late afternoon trip back to the hotel was through very heavy traffic into Sliema, which made us both very glad we weren’t driving. It’s a little bit disconcerting to be one of “them” high up on the tour bus overlooking life going on so far below. Riding along the narrow roads we could see life happening on the roofs, where the water is stored in big cisterns and delivered to the houses by gravity. A woman hanging clothes in the brilliant cool light, looked down on our bus and waved at us.
After returning to the hotel, we napped a bit and then went to the Maltese language lecture at 4:45. English and Maltese are both official languages in Malta, but Maltese is unique in that it is somewhat of a mixture of several languages of the various countries that have occupied Malta. It is the only Semitic tongue officially written in the Latin alphabet, with 30 letters , which makes it a bit easier to read as well.

Malta was settled first by the Phoenicians, followed by the Carthiginians, the Arabs, and in 1530 by the Knights of St John. The history of the Knights of St John is incredible, and too complex to write about here, but they came from several European countries, and most of their languages left an influence on the Maltese language, but to me it still sounds like a soft sweet mixture of Hebrew and Arabic, with Italian overtones. I loved this language, love the intonation, and really enjoyed speaking it as much as possible.
After the lecture, neither of us could drum up the energy to go out and eat supper so we just rested, ate nuts and yogurt, and drank our wine from the local Tower Supermarket and went early to sleep to prepare for the next day of adventures.
Sunday, December 11, 2005
First explorations

We ate a buffet breakfast at the Four Seasons here in the hotel before we left for our morning orientation meeting with Stephan, our tour guide. Breakfast was certainly not memorable, and as we were to discover, Maltese food in general wasn’t that great. The English influence here is very strong, with very little spice and things like broiled tomatoes, some rather tasteless sausages, and mushy dry potatoes. After breakfast, we went to the Hong Kong bank across the street to try to change money but I only managed to change ‘3’ $20 bills because the window ran out of money, and Mo had to use the cash machine. Exchange is $2.86 so we are estimating about 3 bucks US per Maltese LIRA as an average for our stay.
After the group orientation meeting we walked down to the “strand” for a light lunch of bruschetta and cappuccino at Cafe Tigne at a sidewalk table. The Strand was the main way to see the busy Maltese city life up close, with many people walking and talking and shopping. Most noticeable were the women’s shoes. Everyone seems to have taken on the Italian way of dressing, with Italian television shows now available in Malta, and very high very pointy stilettos are the shoe of choice for most women. Mo and I still wonder what in the world they did with their toes in these shoes! The cappuccino was good and the energy of the strand was high as usual, with lots of conversation and happy people all in a rush.

Later, the bus toured around the Grand Harbor to Vittoriosa and we walked through old limestone buildings where people lived underground during WWII. Then more town walking and a visit o the Maritime Museum. For me, since this was my first trip to Europe, it was an incredible thrill to be walking these narrow winding streets, with uneven stone pavings, a thrill to be somewhere so completely new to me.
After the horrendous destruction of the bombings in WWII the local people left the old town, and eventually public housing replaced the grand houses that used to be here. Only recently have people started to return and fix the town up a bit as young families establish the old neighborhoods into something workable for this time.

Friday, December 9, 2005
Traveling to Malta

And big day it has most certainly been. It’s all running together at the moment, sun shining in this Air Malta Airbus while we wait for takeoff. We have been awake now for more than 24 hours. It is noon here in London, center of the world, zero hours Greenwich Mean Time. Funny. I’m losing track of time it seems. Still waiting, the variety of humanity in this airport is amazing, all kinds of people. There is a whole plane load of family going to Ceylon, and another planeload of people who know each other going to Malta. It was an experience boarding this aircraft, lots of Muslim women with children. The Maltese language sounds melodic, somewhat Arabic, I think I will like learning this language
The flight from Portland to Chicago was fine, except for landing on the icy snowy runway, which just a little nerve racking. We made our connections to the big 777 to London, didn’t dawdle at all, only to sit on the plane for 2 hours before it would actually take off. Some story about fuel and maintenance. Don’t they get tired of repeating the same tired excuses? They gave us water and a really bad oat bar, but once we were airborne we did get free wine with our dinner. It was amazing to watch a long night pass in a few hours and we managed to get to London in time for our Malta flight in spite of the delay. Finally airborne, on the way to Malta. We just crossed the English Channel and will arrive in Malta at 4:30 this afternoon. I have completely lost track of exactly how many hours we have been traveling, what day it is here, what day it is at home, or anything else for that matter!
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Thanksgiving trip to California
Just a quick note to anyone following my blog, I am not sure if this post will show up in all your blog rolls or not. I am backtracking here a bit, and decided to put some old journals and photos into the blog so that Mo and I could have our travel history all in one place. More times than once lately, we have wondered when we did something and gone to the blog only to realize it happened “pre-blog”. So any of you reading, if this pops us with a date of 2005 or even earlier, don’t worry, you aren’t time traveling and it isn’t a mistake. My actual hope is that it won’t show up at all. Guess I will find out if anyone starts commenting! You might notice a different “MoHo” and a different dog. Molly left us in 2006 and we didn’t pick up the new “MoHo” until December of 2007 on our cross country winter travels that year. I still lived in Klamath Falls and was working full time and Mo lived in Rocky Point. We started traveling together back in 2003, so eventually I hope to all our trips right here.
My kids are scattered around the country, and this year we decided that everyone didn’t need to make the long trek to Klamath Falls for Thanksgiving and Mo and I could go on little MoHo trip. I took off work early on Wednesday and Mo picked me up in Klamath. The MoHo was rolling along toward California by 3pm. It was our first attempt at boondocking at a Wal-Mart. We wanted to get far enough into California on Thursday to find a nice restaurant for dinner. It was dark when we arrived and we didn’t see any signs saying we couldn’t park, so settled in, turned on the lights and within an hour an employee security person was knocking on our door saying we couldn’t stay there. Redding evidently has some laws about store parking that we didn’t know about. He was nice to us, however, and told us that we could simply move to the east of the official parking lot into the dirt and safely park there. We put up the TV antenna, hoping for some diversion, but for some reason nothing worked. We walked Molly around the parking lot before going to sleep.
It was a bit of a restless night, but not bad, and by 8:30 on Thursday morning we were coffee’d up and ready to hit the road. We decided to travel west to the coast via Highway 299 through Whiskeytown and then along the beautiful Trinity River. The day was cloudy but a balmy 55 degrees, which felt warm after the cold Klamath fall air. Whiskeytown and French Gulch were pretty little towns we visited along the way, then crossed the mountains to Highway 3, to Highway 36 and finally to Highway 101 on the coast. At the top of one of the passes we saw a large cat-like black animal streaking across the road and up the hill beside us. Later I searched the internet and finally figured out that we had seen a fisher, a rather rare animal in this part of the world. I glad we both saw it.
The roads were narrow, winding and long. It was raining hard when we reached Fortuna on 101 and we decided to eat our Thanksgiving dinner at Peppers. It was a nice turkey dinner with all the trimmings and certainly not expensive. We even had leftovers to take with us, which of course are necessary for a Thanksgiving dinner.
Even in the rain, the town of Ferndale was interesting to visit. Most of the stores were closed because of the holiday and it was a bit drab in the rain, but I would love to go back there someday and shop. Later we took the road to “Centerville” which turned out to be nothing more than an empty beach. We followed a very narrow winding road up the steep hills south of the beach for a distance before deciding to turn around after talking with a local who said the road eventually came to a dead end with nothing to see.
Returning to Highway 101 we traveled south toward Humboldt Bay, looking for a place to camp in the Redwoods. the Burlington Campground showed up just after dark, and there was a space for us. We tucked the MoHo into the small spaces between huge redwood stumps and settled in for the evening. Some of the stumps were actually as big as the MoHo! It was a surrealistic place, and in the dark even more so. I went to camp headquarters to pay and managed to lose the MoHo and myself for a time before finding my way back.
We slept great in the deep dark forest, with the sound of the pouring rain keeping us in bed until quite late. Even at 9am the forest was still dim and dark as late evening. I made omelets for breakfast and we took the slow beautiful drive along the Avenue of the Giants, stopping at the visitor center. The displays were excellent, with stories of a man named Kellogg and his van made entirely of one redwood log.
We drove south all day on the winding highway 1, through many dark and winding forests, and many signs that said “road narrows”. It was hard to imagine how the road could get any more narrow. Eventually we emerged from the forest to the cliffs overlooking the Pacific Ocean. The Mendocino coast was wild, rugged, and beautiful, but the roads are incredibly narrow with very few places to pull over, and no shoulders at all. I was car-sick most of the way and was very happy to finally get to the little town of Mendocino. We did stop along the way to hike the half mile down to the Point Cabrillo Lighthouse, beautifully restored.
Continuing through town just in time to settle into space 11 in the Van Damme State Park just as darkness settled in. Our late lunch of leftover turkey sandwiches at an ocean overlook should have been plenty, but Mo started a campfire and wee cooked burgers. They were great! Venus was huge and brilliant over the ocean and Mars glowed red through the redwood branches, forecasting a sunny day to come. I knitted while Mo read until lights out at 9 or so.
The next morning we were up at 8 and after a good home cooked breakfast we packed up to go explore Mendocino. It was a gorgeous clear day, but cool and windy. we walked the town, checked out the Art Fair, I found some wonderful yarn at the perfect little yarn shop, and had a delightful cappuccino.
We decided to travel south on Highway 1 until we found a place to spend the night. Instead we saw a sign that said “coastal access” and followed it to the tiny perfect little hamlet of Point Arena. Supper at the restaurant overlooking the ocean was perfect, with rock cod and a perfect salad. Beautiful. Our plan was to continue as far south as Sea Ranch before heading inland but we hoped for someplace along the beach. Sure enough, high above the ocean, we found a wide turnout in the road, level and safe, with no signs saying we couldn’t park there. As we were settling in, a man drove up and let his dogs out of his car. Suddenly the peace was ruined by a huge tussle of dogs with his aggressive animals attacking Molly, who ended up scared, shaking, and limping a bit. I was furious! Thank goodness he left.
The evening settled into a peaceful sunset with music on the stereo, Mo reading while I wrote and Molly sleeping peacefully.At dawn, the skies over the ocean were all shades of pastel pink and lavender and the rising moon was visible in the east. We tried out the new toaster oven with some corn muffins which tasted ok, but I burned them a bit too much. Driving all day east from Gualala through Annapolis where the signs said “no rv’s” but with our little 21 footer and no tow car we did just fine. The road was really steep and curvy but not much worse overall than all those curves on highway 1! Continuing to Clear Lake and Williams we hit the interstate by 1pm to take us back north to Oregon. Stopped for a steak dinner in Redding before the last long leg into Klamath over highway 97, leaving the interstate at Weed. It’s a long stretch to do in a day, but since I had to be to work on Monday morning, it was necessary. Mo is retired but I am not, so sometimes these little trips with me are much quicker than either of us would like.
Monday, October 17, 2005
10-17-2005 Work Trip Road Trip to Winnemucca and Elko
Transcribed from a very sketchy journal of our trip to Nevada. I was going for a work training class in Winnemucca and we took a few extra days to go as far east as Elko and some of the surrounding area. Mo had her white Blazer at the time.
We left Klamath Falls around 10:30 AM, driving 140 to 95 to Winnemucca. Visited the Sheldon Wildlife Reserve, dinner at Model T Diner. Checked into Gold Country Inn Best Western around 8:30 pm.
Tuesday October 18 2005
Sue to Class. Mo traveled north to Windy Gap and the Humboldt NF and had a flat tire. Sue’s great granddaughter was born at 2:15 EDT. Dinner at Red Lion
Wednesday October19 2005
Sue to class. Mo east to Rabbit Hole and Sulphur mine and Rochester. Sue and Mo up Water Canyon. Dinner at Model T Diner.
Thursday October 20 2005
Sue to class. Mo to Unionville. Afternoon Sue and Mo on a town walk. Basque dinner at Winnemucca Hotel. Since 1863 oldest operating hotel in Nevada.
Friday October 21 2005
Breakfast at the Red Lion. Leave for Elko at 10 AM Gas at 2.56 per gallon. Shouda had the MoHo with us. We got our room in Elko at the Motel 6 after going to the museum and visitor center. Drove to the Ruby Mountains and up Lamoille Canyon for the afternoon. We hiked a ways into the wilderness area but it was getting dark so we drove back down the canyon.
Went to the Red Lion Casino for dinner where they had a great seafood buffet for $17.95, but it was too much so we just ate some good sandwiches.
Saturday October 22 2005
Up for breakfast and Sue got Starbucks and a pastry and Mo had her McD sandwiches before we drove north to Jarbidge, a tiny town of 16 people where a nice guy gave us gas even though the station was closed. $4.00 a gallon! It was 47 miles over dirt roads to get to the town.
The aspens had mostly lost their leaves except for a few places. Someone said that first week in October is probably best. Left Jarbidge and drove along the canyon over some empty wild country and then went north from Wildhorse Reservoir to Mountain City.
Leaving Mountain City we were planning to go the long lonely road to Midas when the second flat tire of the week changed our minds. Right on a curve! and it was very sudden. Mo had it almost done when an inebriated cowpoke stopped to help.
We drove back to Elko, and had Les Schwab was closed but WalMart was open and even had a set of tires at a good price.
My guess is we drove back home on Sunday since I no doubt had to be to work on Monday morning.
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
August 31 2005 To the Steens
Transcribed from the old very poorly hand written leather journal on April 14 2015.
I certainly didn’t keep track of what we did and saw nearly as well back then as I try to do now!
Click here for Photos of our trip to the Steens
20767 mileage on the baby MoHo
Leaving at 9:50 AM from Rocky Point. Maiden voyage with the white Tracker as our Toad. I arrived at Mo’s at 8am and we set up the hitch to tow the GEO, bikes are on the Geo, lights are working except for the right turn signal and right brake.
Planning to go to LensCrafters in Eugene and get my glasses then on to Albany for Melody’s show tonight. Plan to leave tomorrow AM for Burns via Highway 20, then French Glen and Steens Mountain tomorrow night. Very excited to finally see the Steens!
Current events include a huge hurricane Katrina which devastated New Orleans Gulf Port MS among others. around 17000 people are trapped in the SuperDome in NO.
September 1. We had a good trip with no problems towing the GEO. We parked in front of Melody’s apartment for the night and unhooked to drive to Corvallis to see her show. I got my glasses quickly in Eugene and we got to Albany by 4:30 or so. Supper at McMennamin’s. Coffee with Melody and a cereal breakfast in the MoHo then on the road by 9:30AM. We will gas up and get some groceries and head for Burns.
Filled the tank in Albany at $2.59 per gallon getting just over 10 mpg. Melody’s band played just a little over an hour last night. Deb came down but got there late. I of course, loved hearing and watching Melody but the second band was way too loud. Will get some groceries and be out of town before long. Hooking up the Geo is pretty easy.
251 miles to Burns since we filled in Albany this morning. Gas here at the Shell is 2.99! Took us 7 hours to get here since the pass was slow. We stopped and checked out a couple of campgrounds, ate lunch and dumped the tanks near Sisters. Found a free dump site on Highway 20 just past the 395 road.
Arrived at French Glen around 7pm and found a great site at Page Springs #1 for 4 bucks per night with the Golden Age Pass. Set up camp and made a chef’s salad for supper and enjoyed the balmy desert evening air.
Up this morning to a pleasant morning made sausage eggs and potatoes and cleaning up to organize the MoHo before we left for our day doing the Steens Loop.
Drove to the South loop and decided to go up the hard part instead of down. Left around ten and home around 3:30 or so. It was cool and beautiful up there. We walked to the Summit, viewed Wild Horse Lake, East Viewpoint, Kiger Gorge Viewpoint, and the baby geo did great in 4 wheel drive.
At home we decided to move the MoHo for better shade, relaxed till things cooled down at bit, went for a bike ride, and then ate a great 4 course supper of salad, then veggies, then corn, and finally steak. Treated ourselves to hot showers and a beautiful night of stars after a pink sunset and a little campfire time.
Everything seems to be working well. Left light is gray water, right light is black water.
September 3 Saturday
Amazingly uncrowded for Labor Day Weekend. Up at 7 for coffee and egg breakfast again. Lovely cool morning but it warmed up fast. It certainly hasn’t been as cold as we expected, just right. Warm days, balmy evenings, cool nights. Perfect.
We left at 9:30 for the big loop around the east side of the Steens. Took the Diamond Crater scenic drive and saw lava flows and an amazing water filled crater called a moar.
On to the French round barn and museum, which was surprisingly lovely and a really amazing building. Through some boring stuff till we got to the East Steens Road where it became very wild and beautiful again. The east face of the Steens was impressive. At Alvord Lake we saw land sailing on the playa. Had a chocolate shake and fries at Field’s and then finished the 210 mile loop to our camp. Now we are relaxing in the shade with a glass of wine and reviewing the day after a light hamburger supper. In bed at 8:30
September 4 Sunday.
Woke to beautiful morning and coffee in bed, cereal for a light breakfast before our hike up Blitzen canyon. The hike was pretty but challenging because it was very primitive. Lots of rocks and talus and what looked like poison ivy. We finally gave up after two miles. Saw some backpackers camped back in there but it was just too rough to be enjoyable. Molly did get to swim a lot, however. Home to visit with our camp hosts and shared a beer with them.
We had a great family style dinner at French Glen shared with people from Germany and the US.
September 5 Monday
Leaving at 8:50 An after getting up around 7 and having a cereal breakfast. Had to take on some water since we ran out last night during my shower. Clean skies, cool morning, heading for home via Nevada.
Friday, May 6, 2005
05-07-2005 Mother’s Day at Castle Crags
Transcribed from our old leather journal on June 14, 2018
We left Klamath at 4pm heading for Castle Crags near Dunsmuir on Interstate 5. We arrived shortly after 6:30 to the State Park. Camped in site #38. The upper loop was closed and the lower loop was too close to the freeway.
That is the only real drawback to this campground. The freeway I-5 is very close by. Our spot was one reserved for RV’s so was fairly level with the door opening out to a pretty meadow and a great view of the oak-pine-fir forest out the bedroom window. We leveled a bit, settled, in, and I made soup and cheese sandwiches.
After dinner we walked up to the Vista Point. About a mile of steep winding road that was restricted to RV’s. Seemed like a lot of up! We went to the Vista Point but it was too cloudy to see any of the view. We skipped a fire and cozied up in bed with books and a good night’s sleep.
On Saturday we woke to a rainy morning so we had a great bacon and egg breakfast, and a slow and peaceful morning. I finally knitted a scarf for Shera and Mo helped unravel and wind yarn. Finally at 11:00 AM it was clear enough that we decided to take a hike.
Followed the river trail for about 6 miles overall, 1.5 miles from the Riverside Day use area to the end and then looping back past the store and the campground trail to the north. Beautiful hike along the Sacramento River.
Fritos, cheese, and wine while we put up the awning and set out the chairs and table and we just enjoyed the meadow for the rest of the afternoon.
Mo built a nice big fire and we baked potatoes and steak and veggies. Great dinner. After dinner we went down to the 1 mile Indian Creek loop for another lovely hike, but then the rain started.
On Sunday, Mother’s Day, it never stopped raining all night and was still pouring at 10:30 AM. We cooked another good breakfast, and turned on the generator again to watch Fried Green Tomatoes. Probably won’t be doing much outside today since it is so incredibly wet.
We are having a little bit of leakage on the rear passenger window by the bed. Hopefully we have isolated it. Not a bed weekend, even with the rain. We had a good time, good hikes, and were very comfortable in the MoHo.
Friday, April 15, 2005
April 15 to April 18 2005 The MoHo Goes to Washington State
Transcribed from the old leather journal on June 14, 2018
Mo and I left Klamath Falls on a beautiful sunny morning after Mo went to her new doctor in Klamath Falls. She likes the doctor. Mo drove first, mileage was 17,725 via Highway 97 to Madras where we bought gas at $2.40 per gallon and calculated 11.6 mpg. Great mileage!
We stopped for an ice cream cone in Shaniko and by the time we got to Biggs it was a little after five and was raining lightly. Mo spent $22.for the full hookup site at Maryhill State Park and we settled in and then went for a walk along the river.
Quiet evening cooking dinner of rice and polish sausages, cole slaw, and boxed Chardonnay while we played cards. Sleeping in the rain till after 8AM the next morning. We spent a lazy morning, had a good breakfast of polish sausages, eggs, and potatoes, took a walk around the campground, visiting with MoHo admirers and then drove up to the Maryhill museum.
It was a great museum with lots of art, gardens and peacocks, even a white one.
We drove on to Wenatchee via Highway 97, with a hot dog lunch at the rest area north of Yakima. Pulled into Wenatchee at 4:15 or so. Gas in Quincy was $2.45 PG and we got 12.6 MPG!
Deanna and Keith met us at their old house and we dug plants, then we went to see the new spec house. The downtown building “legacy Square”, and then visited over Mexican dinner at Casa Mia’s, their treat. Home to sleep out in the apartment parking lot.
The alarm went off at 5 and we left at 5:35 AM to Albany via Highway 97 over Blewitt Pass. I-90 to 18 and Augurn where we got gas and ate a McDonald’s breakfast, then down I-5 through Portland to Melody’s theater.
We parked in the back lot to change and eat and visit with Deb and her friend Shannon. Deb is doing a little bit better after her recent surgery.
We had great fun at the play “Rocky Horror” with Melody as Columbia. Afterward home to Melody’s house for more visiting and a chicken dinner cooked by Kevin.
Gas in Albany was $2.39 PG and we were getting 10 mpg. We left at 8am via i-5, Highway 58, and Highway 97. We had lunch at Mollie’s Cafe and were home to my house by 2PM in the afternoon.