Even though I must moderate all comments on this blog, I have been having to manage more than 20 spam comments per day that are awful links to spam sites. I have no idea why this has been happening for the last few weeks, and have chosen to faithfully delete each comment after marking as spam. They are commenting on blog posts from the past few years in addition to my recent posts. It is tiresome, and I am worn out. I have hidden the comment section and restricted comments to blog followers only. I will possibly open up for commenting for a few days after making a travel post, but will disable again if it becomes troublesome. I have enjoyed your comments so much over the years. If you wish to comment, you can still do so directly to me via email. Most of the folks who comment are people I know personally and who have my personal email. So be it. Such a bummer, but only reflects the nastiness that seems to be taking over the world for the moment. I pray for healing and kindness for all of us.In addition to the frustrations with spam, it seems that with the new update of windows 10 my version of Live Writer which has been working perfectly, refuses to post this blog, so I am back to the blogger format. Another reason that I may just give up entirely. We will see. And, discovering as I attempt to put in a photo, google can't seem to see my links to my smugmug photos either. Frustrating to say the least. So a heads up. Who knows if I will be back or not.
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I love your comments, they add so much, but to avoid ridiculous amounts of spam, I will be moderating comments